China Death Toll Passes 1K Mark


The casualties of the Wuhan coronavirus has risen to over 1100 flowing reports by Chinese authorities Tuesday., now officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, there are 45,118 confirmed cases in China and nearly 400 more around the globe. 

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, the director-general of WHO urged countries around the world "use the window of opportunity that we have now” while the virus was mostly contained to China.

In the US Wuhan evacuees that have been under quarantine for the last 14 days at the March Air Reserve Base in California were medically cleared by health official who confirmed the detainees posed no health risk to the public 


NBC NEWS: Asians worldwide share examples of coronavirus-related xenophobia on social media

REUTERS: New coronavirus cases lowest since Jan. but experts disagree over peak

POLITICO: China warns against virus-related trade restrictions